Thursday, November 10, 2011

The waiting game

Well, it's been quite a ride this week. I have had an estrogen blood test and ultrasound for three days in a row, and it's looking like I'll have a fourth tomorrow. I have 14-sih follicles growing, but my estrogen levels are not increasing like the doctors would expect them to with the number of follicles. Each follicle should be producing close to 200 on the estrogen scale. My test from yesterday resulted in 514. The doctors would expect it to be closer to 2000 right now. The doctors will confer today and figure out when I will take the trigger shot to ovulate today. It may be tonight or it may be tomorrow night. The retrieval will be two days later - Saturday or Sunday.

For the retrieval, they are hoping to get the most amount of eggs possible from my follicles. By delaying the trigger shot, the doctors envision retrieving more mature eggs than I had last time. The doctor this morning said that my body may just be slower to produce the estrogen, but they want to be careful that I don't ovulate on my own. If that was to happen, the entire IVF procedure would be called off. As much of an exact science that this is, there is still the unknown. My body definitely runs on it's own clock.

Because I have a polyp, they are going to just freeze the strongest embryos. The polyp will be removed sometime in December. We will go through a reduced amount of medication in December and the transfer will happen in January. This means no baby in 2011. 

I'm going through the motions as prescribed by the doctors. I'm not giving up on this process. But, I'm exhausted, frustrated, and bloated. I just feel like rolling up in a ball and crying. This is about the toughest time that I've been through so far in this entire process. I'm glad that I have a job to distract me from my emotions. I watch funny movies or TV shows so I can release some healthy laughter. I'm so glad that I have Frank to keep me focused on the end goal. He has been super supportive during this time which is helpful, since I know that he is also experiencing his own rollercoaster of emotions, too.

Keep thinking positive thoughts for us.


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