Monday, April 9, 2012

One, Un, Uno

We received confirmation that I am off to a healthy start to the pregnancy. The ultrasound showed that the embryo implanted in the right area and is home to one. They call it a singleton. We saw the heart flickering. Dr. Cedars measured the heart rate at 118 BPM. The length is nearly 6mm. The baby is due 11/29/2012.

Here is the photo showing the tiny little one. The measurements are in the lower left corner.

This photo shows the heart beating. It was amazing to see it flickering on the live screen.

It's really real now that I've seen the heartbeat. I still don't know whether to call it a fetus or a baby, though. I guess I'll figure it out. In the meantime, I'm doing everything to make this a healthy pregnancy. And I get to dance in Carnaval, too!

Frank & I are thrilled. Our next appointment is in 2.5 weeks for another ultrasound. At that point, we begin the testing. There is a lot to read and learn about this next phase. Keep us in your thoughts, prayers, and any other good vibe time you've got to spare.
