Saturday, November 19, 2011


I had some good news from the doctor. Ten of our embryos were frozen. I could hardly believe the news when I heard it over the phone. 10! Seriously?!? 10.

Each embryo is given a score - 1, 2, 3 - 1 being the best. They are also given a cell count and this needs to be greater than 6. We had a 1-12, 2-10, 2-9, and 7 other strong ones that were frozen. I'm thrilled. Frank is thrilled. This means that I will not have to stimulate my follicles again. A round of freezing only requires minimal amount of shots and other medications. The next round of implantation will happen in January. We have 10 for the doctor to choose from.

When I heard the news, I finally felt like there was hope again. I had been feeling so bummed out from finding the polyp, and the further delays, that I just wanted to be left alone. I didn't want anything to do with anything baby related. ANYTHING! Christmas catalogs made me cry because here was another holiday where I didn't have my own children to buy gifts for. Nor was there even the hope of children. It just simply sucked.

Now there is hope. This doesn't mean I'm going to buy my embryos tiny stockings with flakes of candy canes in them. But the possibility is there that one of these 10 will be our child. I felt a sense of rejuvenation that we were still on the right path. My body reacted the way it was supposed to react to the medication.

That being said, I'm still recovering from the retrieval. It's been 6 days and I'm still having pain in my lower abdomen. As the doctor mentioned, they had to move my uterus around to get to my ovaries. And, upon recovery, my ovaries may be resting on my colon which is a source of pain. Every day I'm getting stronger, but I'm not 100%.

But it was all worth it because we have 10 little embryos. 10! So, light a candle. Click your heels. Drink a cosmopolitan (because you can). Whatever you do, celebrate for us. You know we will this holiday season!

Thank you for your positive thoughts.

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