Monday, November 7, 2011

Unusual behavior

I had an ultrasound and Estrogen blood test on Sunday. The doctor counted 16 healthy follicles and found one potential polyp. The polyp is a benign growth on my uterus lining, that usually develops as a side effect from the medication. She wasn't 100% sure that it was it so Tuesday's doctor appointment will confirm what she saw.

If it is a polyp, I will move forward with the retrieval. The eggs will be implanted, but the strong ones will be frozen. The polyp will have to be removed in a few weeks. The transfer would happen in January. While this is less than ideal, the polyp prevents implantation. I need to be in optimal condition. I'll definitely update after the appointment.

In other unusual news, we are nearly out of the medication we need to get through this week. In fact, I've almost run out of the Follistim, having only 50 and 75 IUI left in 3 jars. I need 225 IUI per night. Luckily, Craigslist saved the day. I found a couple selling a couple of vials of Follistim for nearly $100 less per 300 IUI than what I pay for the pharmacy through UCSF. Frank & I are meeting them at the Starbucks in Westlake tomorrow night. They will be the couple carrying the cooler keeping our medication cold. "Two Follistim Frappuccino's, please."

When I talked to the woman online, she let me know that the medication comes with good karma. She is 13 weeks pregnant. It's the little things like this that I hold onto - luck, karma, and hope. Ironic, when this is all controlled by science, right? Either way, I'll take this moment as a positive one.


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