Friday, December 16, 2011

Zamboni treatment

The surgery is done. What a relief!

As you can imagine, I was pretty nervous about the surgery yesterday. Frank and I met with Dr. Cedars before so she could inform us of the procedure, what to expect, and sign consent forms. She also answered a few of our questions about the upcoming FET (frozen embryo transfer) scheduled for the end of January.

I had a hysteroscopy, where the doctor uses this device that fills my uterus with water, scrapes off the polyps and films the entire event. This device is as wide as the top of a pen cap, but does so much. I started off with a valium and a vicodin mix. That just took the edge off my nerves. They hooked me up to an IV and gave me my first wheelchair ride to the operating room. I was hooked up to monitors and then I laid down on the table.

The nurse put on jazz music while the doctor prepped me. The nurse was such an amazing support and good drug pusher, too. She said the moment it hurts at all, let us know and we'll give you something. It was like a sudden shock of cramps, in the 6 to 7 (out of 10) pain rate. They gave me Phenol for the pain through my IV. That took the pain away, and I basically floated through the rest of the procedure. They kept me busy by talking to me the entire time about Christmas, gifts, parties...

Dr. Cedars discovered some fibroids as well as the polyps. Fibroids are pretty common in people my age, and they are non-cancerous tumors. She removed those along with the polyps. I have a very smooth uterus now, and we saw the pictures to prove it. Frank called it the Zamboni treatment.

I had no pain after the procedure was done. I have instructions to lay off the intense exercise for two weeks. I have the post-op appointment on January 9.

So, this is the last post of the year. Thank you for all your love and support this year on my journey through the IVF world. Next year, we begin the FET procedures. We will have two of our "chillins" transferred at the end of January. We are hopeful!

Merry Everything.
Happy New Year.

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